Engineering Goods Industry

Engineering Goods Industry

The Indian Engineering industry comprises broadly of two segments:

A. Heavy engineering and

B. Light engineering.

The sector has emerged as the largest contributor to India’s total merchandise exports and contributes 2.5% to the GDP of the country. Moreover, India’s engineering industry accounts for 27% of the total factories in the country’s industrial sector. The light engineering industry covers a US$ 120 Bn market in six major categories which comprises: Mobile Phones, Consumer Electronics, Strategic Electronics, Computer Electronics, LED’s, and Industrial Electronics.

The National Policy on electronics by the Government of India has also set a target to reach a turnover of US$ 400 Bn, which is seen as attracting an investment of about US$ 100 Bn and will provide employment to around 28 million people over the next few years. Investment in the infrastructure sector is also increasing, which will drive the demand for capital foods, engineering and electronics sector as a whole, while indirectly drive further expansion of bank credit growth towards the sector as capacity expansion and overall growth would be funded by credit from banks and financial institutions.

At JSRA we provide consulting services across the project lifecycle: –

  • Program management
  • Compliance Management
  • Industrial licensing support
  • Foreign Direct Investment assistance
  • Market research and entry strategy
  • Bid management
  • Partner search and collaboration
  • Transaction advisory and services
  • Tax optimization

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